Saturday, September 28, 2019

Societal Evolution

Given the increasing division between the thinking/feeling poles in the modern integrated society, we can answer the question of how the system will evolve. Recall that in the Transnational Liberalism post, the system described had the thinking player at the exterior of an expanding universe. The feeling player is in the interior with the stability point being non-Pareto, i.e. it is somewhere within the interior between the two players. As the system grows fueled by technological advances, the periphery expands at a geometric rate and therefore the overall influence of the thinking player will outpace the that of the feeling player and the equilibrium point will tend to move towards the periphery. But this is the long term limit. The stable growth of the system can be upset as it is today by the rapid condensation of the interior as they tear from their connection to the exterior player.

Let's use the analogy of the system universe in a slightly different way. A system grows by its ability to direct useful information. The well-defined mores of a socio-political system are like the supporting structures of a tree that direct information (position) to the leaves. The feeling player gravitates to the points in the system which nurtures future generations, actively participates in the interpersonal relations of the culture, and forms the crony networks that dominate large organizations. While the exterior player creates wealth from work done with the environment, the function of the interior player is to create human value. But untethered power tends to corrupt and when the interior player does not see itself as dependent on the wealth creation process of the exterior player, the impression of dominance and self-sufficience may arise. At this context, the structures that were developed to support the productive activities of the exterior player may appear counterproductive to the interior player therefore leading to their corruption. This dynamic can lead to instability and collapse of the system.

As partisanship increases, the feeling player coalesces with the benefit of central position in being able to organize their efforts. Additionally, the feeling player has a simple common set of expressions, i.e. it is primitive in its motivations. Meanwhile, the exterior player is focused on the external environment. The exterior player typically goes about its business of working as a normal mode of operation while the interior player manipulates those with which its comes into contact as its method of extracting wealth. The exterior player experiences a lag in adapting to the initiatives of the interior player. This relationship will persist while the internal structures of the system supply information to the exterior player. If the information structures of the system are corrupted by the concentrated efforts of the interior player (it benefits from the ability to position itself against the exterior player using unrestricted interior lines), the efforts of the exterior player may collapse and it is forced to redirect its efforts into reestablishing the interior structures. This is now the present situation.

What follows is a chaotic interior struggle. The eventual winner is the exterior player due to their ability to communicate the creation of wealth and eventually, the interior structures will be rebuilt and the system reformed. Of course, the system will be the worse for this disruption and there is the chance of total system destruction should an exterior intervention such as nuclear war occur while the system is in its vulnerable state.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Societal Learning

It would be hard to miss the fact that these times seem a little strange. Nearly one-half of the population of the US appears to have politically lost their tether and are now openly indulging themselves in hysterical, fever-dreamed fits of rage.

This is societal learning. Learning is like the five stages of grief. It is a reaction and reconciliation with an external reality that throws one off of their balance. When society is composed of essentially two poles with fundamental learning differences, reality will hit both poles differently. The exterior player will adapt to the external influence while the interior player will fight the change before more slowly adapting. This is the model presented in the Transnational Liberalism post. The interior player are the DNC/Socialist party and the exterior player is the RNC/Conservative party. They are differentiated by the fundamental modes of feeling/thinking of their members.

The change is due to technology which has produced an integrated economy fused with politics as never before possible. The red-blue shift over the years has been accelerated by technology and has produced an economic and political dipole. Now, politics and economics are correspondent, ubiquitous, and omnipotent factors in determining nearly every other aspect of US life. As predicted in the TNL post, in such a situation, the interior player must eventually find themselves dependent and inferior to the exterior player since the exterior is where the ever expanding percentage of economic activity is sustained in a growing system. The recent adjustment of American conservative politics to populism and the concordant alignment of DNC/Socialist politics in opposition to populism is one aspect of the Trump phenomenon. This alignment is a mega-trend and not due to one individual.

Confronted with its decline as seen by a recent irrelevance in wish-fulfilling fantasies, the American left has gone from denial (the Russian hoax) to anger, and will soon enter the bargaining stage. Every election is a bargain or sorts, but this is a bargain to sustain an unrealistic internal state--the fantasy that the policies of the left are praiseworthy and not simply primitive selfish rationalizations.

What is clear at this point is that the next election will be one between pragmatism and open delusion. Learning will only take place if pragmatism wins out.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Evil by any other Name

When one decides to destroy what is innocent, to pervert what was righteous, or to subvert the truth, it is evil. This is not a matter of a misunderstanding, mistake, miscalculation, or misdemeanor---it is the fundamental crime of nature.

We see today the traces of certain evil. In the United States, the Democrat party as an institution openly supports infanticide and lies about it. In North Korea, a maniac supervises the murders of hundreds of thousands while he steadfastly builds the capability of murdering millions, but tries just as lamely to hide this fact. For us, to be naïve about this evil is not presently forgivable. The only acceptable moral choice is to act against the evil.

In the United States, that moral action is to destroy the Democrat party by all legitimate political means possible. In South-East Asia, the imperative is to destroy the Kim regime root and branch. They are both of the same evil nature and they both leave no other option.

Enough foolishness. This should have been clear before. Now it is clearly inescapable.